Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sunday, April 6, 2008
5 months now...and I still don't have my mind around it!
We have had Austin for 5 months yesterday. My mind hasn't fully grasped being parents, but my heart is definitely there. Every day I tell myself, "gotta remember that one for the blog" and you sit down and the thoughts are gone. I want to capture every moment as they are all so special...Tonight we had fish (what he wanted), hamburgers, pork and beans, and potato chips. He said " I really like this", pointing to the pork and beans and saying all of it. He is becoming such a good communicator. He'll tell you he was born in Vietnam and has been on an airplane two times. I asked him if he remember flying on an airplane and he told me he remembered crying on the airplane. I asked why and he said because of the belt (safety belt) was ugly and we definitely remember it too. It was kind of amazing that it seemed to us most of his memories started once we got back to the states because we couldn't communicate to go back and visit past memories...just kind of eye opening. We baked a cake tonight. Of course, he licked every inch of the cake bowl with every inch of his face, hand and shirt. We had the music playing on the patio and he broke out in a dance. We joined and I am sure the neighbors were ready to call 911.
He can now sing snipits of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Row, Row, Row your boat. He was signing London Bridges and Its Raining, its raining a couple of weeks ago. Still doesn't have all the words, but he can carry a tune so it is recognizable.
He has been fishing with his Granny Helen and Papa Tom and LOVES it. We went to KC to visit his Grammy and Aunts and Cousins. He had a ton of fun swimming with his Grammy.
He had his first surgery on Friday. I can say it was heart wrenching for us, but he came through with flying colors. He is one resilient little boy and is tough as a boot.
He can now sing snipits of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Row, Row, Row your boat. He was signing London Bridges and Its Raining, its raining a couple of weeks ago. Still doesn't have all the words, but he can carry a tune so it is recognizable.
He has been fishing with his Granny Helen and Papa Tom and LOVES it. We went to KC to visit his Grammy and Aunts and Cousins. He had a ton of fun swimming with his Grammy.
He had his first surgery on Friday. I can say it was heart wrenching for us, but he came through with flying colors. He is one resilient little boy and is tough as a boot.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
4 AMAZING Months

4 months of being Mommy and Daddy to the most AMAZING little boy...opps I meant big boy! Austin is learning so much so fast. His communication is really coming along quickly allowing us to get to know his personality better. His wheels are always turning. Just the other day he told me that Mully (the dog) cut the strap on his lunch box with scissors! Now that is passing the buck! Also told me Sophie (female dog) went to the bathroom not only on the right side of the toilet, but the left side too! Really talented dogs we have! Too funny not to share. He can now print his name, sing his alphabet, ride his bike and scooter, jump on one leg and is an awesome Green Power Ranger. He is taking Karate lessons and doing well, he'll show you his Power Ranger if you ask. He loves to ride his 4-wheeler and couldn't be more proud of his "big helmet". I think he has a thing for helmets because he will wear his bicycle helmet in the house, in the car...wherever he can. He has his prayers down pretty well, only occasionally getting stuck in a loop. He loves to read one book over, and over, and over...his boat book. He said his first sentence last weekend, which centered around of his favorite things..."Daddy, don't eat Austin's bread"! We were shocked that he put the full sentence together and spoke so clearly.
I had to travel for work. I explained that I was going on an airplane and he said "me too". Now, Bill says every time he sees an airplane he says "Mommy". He even pointed to the stars and said "Austin's Mommy". Being away from him is more difficult than I thought especially since he doesn't fully understand.
Our lives have changed so much in such a short period of time, but I can't imagine how he must feel. He continues to adapt so well and we are so proud of him. I've included pictures as they always tell the best story.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Two months - Hard to believe
It is hard to believe Austin has been in our lives for only two months. Each day he learns so many new things. I went back to work on the 31st and he went to Preschool on the 2nd. He did fantastic! Mom and Dad, on the other hand, were a wreck. He is so proud of his accomplishments. He points to his art work and himself and grins from ear-to-ear. When asked who made this "Austin" he answers as proud as a peacock. It is a joy to see his pride. He has mastered many things in a short amount of time and always, always wants to do things himself. He really only needs supervision at bath time and just a little extra brushing of his teeth.
Christmas brought all kinds of new adventure. He traveled to KC to meet his "Gammy" and stole her heart completely. They had tons of fun taking pictures and taking turns wearing Austin's bright yellow sunglasses. He had another big Christmas at his Aunt Ginny and Uncle Bill's. His cousin Marcus gave him toys and books he had so much fun playing with when he was younger. He had another big Christmas at his Grannys and PaPa Tom's where he met many more Aunts and Uncles and cousins and of course many more presents. Remote control was the theme this year and needless to say Austin LOVED the idea!
BILL, did I say BILL, bought him a 4-wheeler and is teaching him to ride. I must say it gives me heart palpatations from fear and butterflies from the joy I see all over father and son's faces...hey I am just gratefull it is not blood.
We are teaching him all kinds of phrases, some of which we shouldn't have. "Austin tooted" is one of his favorites and he uses it in us! He has learned major body parts and is picking up favorite foods quickly, banana, milk, juice, cookies and I think his all time favorite "yoger" (yogurt).
He is so funny getting ready. He likes his hair gelled like his daddy's and loves wearing cologne..."Austin is a handsome boy"...we are also teaching him to be humble (ha!ha!).
Will sign off for now as it is his bed time...forever blessed B & K
Christmas brought all kinds of new adventure. He traveled to KC to meet his "Gammy" and stole her heart completely. They had tons of fun taking pictures and taking turns wearing Austin's bright yellow sunglasses. He had another big Christmas at his Aunt Ginny and Uncle Bill's. His cousin Marcus gave him toys and books he had so much fun playing with when he was younger. He had another big Christmas at his Grannys and PaPa Tom's where he met many more Aunts and Uncles and cousins and of course many more presents. Remote control was the theme this year and needless to say Austin LOVED the idea!
BILL, did I say BILL, bought him a 4-wheeler and is teaching him to ride. I must say it gives me heart palpatations from fear and butterflies from the joy I see all over father and son's faces...hey I am just gratefull it is not blood.
We are teaching him all kinds of phrases, some of which we shouldn't have. "Austin tooted" is one of his favorites and he uses it in us! He has learned major body parts and is picking up favorite foods quickly, banana, milk, juice, cookies and I think his all time favorite "yoger" (yogurt).
He is so funny getting ready. He likes his hair gelled like his daddy's and loves wearing cologne..."Austin is a handsome boy"...we are also teaching him to be humble (ha!ha!).
Will sign off for now as it is his bed time...forever blessed B & K
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
It is hard to believe it has only been one month since our son came into our lives. So much he has learned and experienced in such a short time. He has completely stolen our hearts.
He had his first 'American' haircut today. He did so well. They put some gel in his hair and I think he thought he looked pretty cute...of course we did! They gave him a sucker that turned his lips and tongue blue, which he thought was the coolest.
What can I say, in the country less than two weeks and already in love with McDonalds. He loves the apple dippers and the milk jug. I think he thought the milk jug was his own slice of heaven on earth!
He was playing with his cars today, making all sorts of pretend noises and talking to himself and I started thinking about how much change he has been through and how well he is adjusting.
He has ridden his first bike, been pulled in his first wagon, probably been kissed for the first time by a dog, ate his first taco, tasted his first Oreo and drank about 10 gallons of milk and a ton of bananas and apples. He's played with toys of his own and we mustn't forget his CARS cell phone. Has his own Mr. Bear to cuddle with and shoes that he picked out himself. And he learned to dance...okay he learned from us so his 'moves' may not be the hippest (did I just say hippest...enough said!)
Tomorrow, we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving and give thanks to the Lord for all our Blessing and there are many! Then we are on to Christmas!!!We plan to have our tree up this weekend. I can't wait to see his face light up when he wakes up to the tree. This Christmas will hold a special place in our heart as we watch the magic in a little boy's eyes. I am so blessed to be home with him during this very special time of year.
As I laid down with him this evening and he fell asleep with his arms wrapped around my neck, I looked down at his beautiful face and could feel the beat of his heart and the rhythm of his breathing and thought there is no place I'd rather be right now.
May God continue to Bless our Journey and each of you.
He had his first 'American' haircut today. He did so well. They put some gel in his hair and I think he thought he looked pretty cute...of course we did! They gave him a sucker that turned his lips and tongue blue, which he thought was the coolest.
What can I say, in the country less than two weeks and already in love with McDonalds. He loves the apple dippers and the milk jug. I think he thought the milk jug was his own slice of heaven on earth!
He was playing with his cars today, making all sorts of pretend noises and talking to himself and I started thinking about how much change he has been through and how well he is adjusting.
He has ridden his first bike, been pulled in his first wagon, probably been kissed for the first time by a dog, ate his first taco, tasted his first Oreo and drank about 10 gallons of milk and a ton of bananas and apples. He's played with toys of his own and we mustn't forget his CARS cell phone. Has his own Mr. Bear to cuddle with and shoes that he picked out himself. And he learned to dance...okay he learned from us so his 'moves' may not be the hippest (did I just say hippest...enough said!)
Tomorrow, we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving and give thanks to the Lord for all our Blessing and there are many! Then we are on to Christmas!!!We plan to have our tree up this weekend. I can't wait to see his face light up when he wakes up to the tree. This Christmas will hold a special place in our heart as we watch the magic in a little boy's eyes. I am so blessed to be home with him during this very special time of year.
As I laid down with him this evening and he fell asleep with his arms wrapped around my neck, I looked down at his beautiful face and could feel the beat of his heart and the rhythm of his breathing and thought there is no place I'd rather be right now.
May God continue to Bless our Journey and each of you.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
There is no place like HOME!
Now the trip was a different story. I don't think I've ever been awake for 42 hours before and don't recommend it! We got up around 5:30 am Vietnam time and didn't fly to Korea until 12:30 p.m. already a long day. Once we got to Korea, we had a six hour lay over then back on the plane to Dallas..12 hours on a plane with a 3 1/2 year old..need I say more. Then a 3 hour drive from Dallas to HOME!! Actually, Austin did very well all things considered. He hated the car seat, but once he got the idea that it was the way it was going to be, he settled in with his water and good old american french fries!
Can't say how good it feels to be home surrounded by our Stuff. We've been trying to get our internal clocks readjusted, but it has been difficult especially with Austin still taking naps. We think today will be the day. Bill and I were up since about 3 am and Austin woke up about 5. Thank God for the 24 hour Walmart...we got our grocery shopping done and picked-up a few items for Austin (hat and gloves...we went from 80's to 30's burrrr!) all before 6:30 am. Wonder of wonders, there wasn't hardly anyone and out in a jiffy!.
All you Moms and Dads that did NOT tell us that a 3 and 1/2 year old boy just HAS to push every button, pull every lever are in big trouble. Maybe you did and I didn't hear it clearly. I have experienced it full force. Austin seems to be a cause and effect kinda guy...every light switch has been used more in the last 3 days than in the 4 years we have lived here.
What is truly amazing is realizing the things that seem important to him that we all take for granted. He is absolutely fasinated by the toilet, washing his hands at the sink and taking baths. The total look of joy and wonderment when he gets more it is Christmas morning. We've tried to limit his toys so he doesn't become overwhelmed. He went for the large lightening McQueen car first, then Mac the truck. He loves the foam bath tub letters and floating boats, he uses the rinse cup over and over and over. He is learning how to manipulate the pieces to the leapfrog animal farm, 'coloring' in the coloring books, the lunch box tins are going to be worn out. He loves his Cars towels too...he likes to be wrapped up in them real tight. Bill was trying to get him to help with making his bed and he was very possessive of his comforter. We wheel him around the house in his stroller and he thinks he is pretty big stuff. He went outside and pulled his wagon up and down the drive way...he even got in it for about 60 seconds. He received his very first Bible and an adoption life book, which he opened all by himself. All this to say thanks again to everybody for helping us give him such a warm welcome. Truly a blessing that is so much appreciated. Your selections were perfect and many things that I would not have thought of. I read the Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul on the way over and it was a blessing to take my mind off of the many hours on the plane. Thanks for the thoughtfullness of the care really helped.
Can't say how good it feels to be home surrounded by our Stuff. We've been trying to get our internal clocks readjusted, but it has been difficult especially with Austin still taking naps. We think today will be the day. Bill and I were up since about 3 am and Austin woke up about 5. Thank God for the 24 hour Walmart...we got our grocery shopping done and picked-up a few items for Austin (hat and gloves...we went from 80's to 30's burrrr!) all before 6:30 am. Wonder of wonders, there wasn't hardly anyone and out in a jiffy!.
All you Moms and Dads that did NOT tell us that a 3 and 1/2 year old boy just HAS to push every button, pull every lever are in big trouble. Maybe you did and I didn't hear it clearly. I have experienced it full force. Austin seems to be a cause and effect kinda guy...every light switch has been used more in the last 3 days than in the 4 years we have lived here.
What is truly amazing is realizing the things that seem important to him that we all take for granted. He is absolutely fasinated by the toilet, washing his hands at the sink and taking baths. The total look of joy and wonderment when he gets more it is Christmas morning. We've tried to limit his toys so he doesn't become overwhelmed. He went for the large lightening McQueen car first, then Mac the truck. He loves the foam bath tub letters and floating boats, he uses the rinse cup over and over and over. He is learning how to manipulate the pieces to the leapfrog animal farm, 'coloring' in the coloring books, the lunch box tins are going to be worn out. He loves his Cars towels too...he likes to be wrapped up in them real tight. Bill was trying to get him to help with making his bed and he was very possessive of his comforter. We wheel him around the house in his stroller and he thinks he is pretty big stuff. He went outside and pulled his wagon up and down the drive way...he even got in it for about 60 seconds. He received his very first Bible and an adoption life book, which he opened all by himself. All this to say thanks again to everybody for helping us give him such a warm welcome. Truly a blessing that is so much appreciated. Your selections were perfect and many things that I would not have thought of. I read the Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul on the way over and it was a blessing to take my mind off of the many hours on the plane. Thanks for the thoughtfullness of the care really helped.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Two more things about the pictures
Austin knows how to use chop sticks, his first swim and notice in the lunch picture how he likes to wear his sun glasses!
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