4 months of being Mommy and Daddy to the most AMAZING little boy...opps I meant big boy! Austin is learning so much so fast. His communication is really coming along quickly allowing us to get to know his personality better. His wheels are always turning. Just the other day he told me that Mully (the dog) cut the strap on his lunch box with scissors! Now that is passing the buck! Also told me Sophie (female dog) went to the bathroom not only on the right side of the toilet, but the left side too! Really talented dogs we have! Too funny not to share. He can now print his name, sing his alphabet, ride his bike and scooter, jump on one leg and is an awesome Green Power Ranger. He is taking Karate lessons and doing well, he'll show you his Power Ranger if you ask. He loves to ride his 4-wheeler and couldn't be more proud of his "big helmet". I think he has a thing for helmets because he will wear his bicycle helmet in the house, in the car...wherever he can. He has his prayers down pretty well, only occasionally getting stuck in a loop. He loves to read one book over, and over, and over...his boat book. He said his first sentence last weekend, which centered around food...one of his favorite things..."Daddy, don't eat Austin's bread"! We were shocked that he put the full sentence together and spoke so clearly.
I had to travel for work. I explained that I was going on an airplane and he said "me too". Now, Bill says every time he sees an airplane he says "Mommy". He even pointed to the stars and said "Austin's Mommy". Being away from him is more difficult than I thought especially since he doesn't fully understand.
Our lives have changed so much in such a short period of time, but I can't imagine how he must feel. He continues to adapt so well and we are so proud of him. I've included pictures as they always tell the best story.