It is hard to believe it has only been one month since our son came into our lives. So much he has learned and experienced in such a short time. He has completely stolen our hearts.
He had his first 'American' haircut today. He did so well. They put some gel in his hair and I think he thought he looked pretty cute...of course we did! They gave him a sucker that turned his lips and tongue blue, which he thought was the coolest.
What can I say, in the country less than two weeks and already in love with McDonalds. He loves the apple dippers and the milk jug. I think he thought the milk jug was his own slice of heaven on earth!
He was playing with his cars today, making all sorts of pretend noises and talking to himself and I started thinking about how much change he has been through and how well he is adjusting.
He has ridden his first bike, been pulled in his first wagon, probably been kissed for the first time by a dog, ate his first taco, tasted his first Oreo and drank about 10 gallons of milk and a ton of bananas and apples. He's played with toys of his own and we mustn't forget his CARS cell phone. Has his own Mr. Bear to cuddle with and shoes that he picked out himself. And he learned to dance...okay he learned from us so his 'moves' may not be the hippest (did I just say hippest...enough said!)
Tomorrow, we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving and give thanks to the Lord for all our Blessing and there are many! Then we are on to Christmas!!!We plan to have our tree up this weekend. I can't wait to see his face light up when he wakes up to the tree. This Christmas will hold a special place in our heart as we watch the magic in a little boy's eyes. I am so blessed to be home with him during this very special time of year.
As I laid down with him this evening and he fell asleep with his arms wrapped around my neck, I looked down at his beautiful face and could feel the beat of his heart and the rhythm of his breathing and thought there is no place I'd rather be right now.
May God continue to Bless our Journey and each of you.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
There is no place like HOME!
Now the trip was a different story. I don't think I've ever been awake for 42 hours before and don't recommend it! We got up around 5:30 am Vietnam time and didn't fly to Korea until 12:30 p.m. already a long day. Once we got to Korea, we had a six hour lay over then back on the plane to Dallas..12 hours on a plane with a 3 1/2 year old..need I say more. Then a 3 hour drive from Dallas to HOME!! Actually, Austin did very well all things considered. He hated the car seat, but once he got the idea that it was the way it was going to be, he settled in with his water and good old american french fries!
Can't say how good it feels to be home surrounded by our Stuff. We've been trying to get our internal clocks readjusted, but it has been difficult especially with Austin still taking naps. We think today will be the day. Bill and I were up since about 3 am and Austin woke up about 5. Thank God for the 24 hour Walmart...we got our grocery shopping done and picked-up a few items for Austin (hat and gloves...we went from 80's to 30's burrrr!) all before 6:30 am. Wonder of wonders, there wasn't hardly anyone and out in a jiffy!.
All you Moms and Dads that did NOT tell us that a 3 and 1/2 year old boy just HAS to push every button, pull every lever are in big trouble. Maybe you did and I didn't hear it clearly. I have experienced it full force. Austin seems to be a cause and effect kinda guy...every light switch has been used more in the last 3 days than in the 4 years we have lived here.
What is truly amazing is realizing the things that seem important to him that we all take for granted. He is absolutely fasinated by the toilet, washing his hands at the sink and taking baths. The total look of joy and wonderment when he gets more it is Christmas morning. We've tried to limit his toys so he doesn't become overwhelmed. He went for the large lightening McQueen car first, then Mac the truck. He loves the foam bath tub letters and floating boats, he uses the rinse cup over and over and over. He is learning how to manipulate the pieces to the leapfrog animal farm, 'coloring' in the coloring books, the lunch box tins are going to be worn out. He loves his Cars towels too...he likes to be wrapped up in them real tight. Bill was trying to get him to help with making his bed and he was very possessive of his comforter. We wheel him around the house in his stroller and he thinks he is pretty big stuff. He went outside and pulled his wagon up and down the drive way...he even got in it for about 60 seconds. He received his very first Bible and an adoption life book, which he opened all by himself. All this to say thanks again to everybody for helping us give him such a warm welcome. Truly a blessing that is so much appreciated. Your selections were perfect and many things that I would not have thought of. I read the Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul on the way over and it was a blessing to take my mind off of the many hours on the plane. Thanks for the thoughtfullness of the care really helped.
Can't say how good it feels to be home surrounded by our Stuff. We've been trying to get our internal clocks readjusted, but it has been difficult especially with Austin still taking naps. We think today will be the day. Bill and I were up since about 3 am and Austin woke up about 5. Thank God for the 24 hour Walmart...we got our grocery shopping done and picked-up a few items for Austin (hat and gloves...we went from 80's to 30's burrrr!) all before 6:30 am. Wonder of wonders, there wasn't hardly anyone and out in a jiffy!.
All you Moms and Dads that did NOT tell us that a 3 and 1/2 year old boy just HAS to push every button, pull every lever are in big trouble. Maybe you did and I didn't hear it clearly. I have experienced it full force. Austin seems to be a cause and effect kinda guy...every light switch has been used more in the last 3 days than in the 4 years we have lived here.
What is truly amazing is realizing the things that seem important to him that we all take for granted. He is absolutely fasinated by the toilet, washing his hands at the sink and taking baths. The total look of joy and wonderment when he gets more it is Christmas morning. We've tried to limit his toys so he doesn't become overwhelmed. He went for the large lightening McQueen car first, then Mac the truck. He loves the foam bath tub letters and floating boats, he uses the rinse cup over and over and over. He is learning how to manipulate the pieces to the leapfrog animal farm, 'coloring' in the coloring books, the lunch box tins are going to be worn out. He loves his Cars towels too...he likes to be wrapped up in them real tight. Bill was trying to get him to help with making his bed and he was very possessive of his comforter. We wheel him around the house in his stroller and he thinks he is pretty big stuff. He went outside and pulled his wagon up and down the drive way...he even got in it for about 60 seconds. He received his very first Bible and an adoption life book, which he opened all by himself. All this to say thanks again to everybody for helping us give him such a warm welcome. Truly a blessing that is so much appreciated. Your selections were perfect and many things that I would not have thought of. I read the Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul on the way over and it was a blessing to take my mind off of the many hours on the plane. Thanks for the thoughtfullness of the care really helped.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Two more things about the pictures
Austin knows how to use chop sticks, his first swim and notice in the lunch picture how he likes to wear his sun glasses!

This is our last day at Hanoi and can I ask you all to take a moment right now and pray for our safety and sanity during the long trip home.
Now to the fun stuff. Pictures are worth a thousand words so I included more. We loved Hanoi. One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Take a close look at the lunch picture with Rachel and Austin...yes heads are on the shrimp.
There is another picture of lunch with our tour group of Hanoi and I think Austin ate a whole octopus!....okay, the best I'll be able to cook for him is fish sticks!
Gotta go finish packing. Hope to see you soon and hope you all had a great Thanksgiving....
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Two more days until we are home!!!
Rachel and Tommy made it in safely. We went to Hay Long Bay yesterday - beautiful. We'll need to post a picture or two. They have 1969 Limestone Islands around the bay. We toured two caves that were awesome. We had lunch on the boat - shrimp with the heads on, squid and octopus and a whole fried fish....okay...I ate peanut butter crackers and a JD Powers power bar (thanks Steph and Boomer!) We were on the top deck of this boat and had terrific views...unforgettable experience and hard to describe.
We are going to go on a tour of Hanoi tomorrow and the water puppet show on Friday so staying pretty busy.
We will miss Thanksgiving at home with family and friends, but will be thinking of you. We are planning to eat a Jaspas, which is Bill and I's favorite. I won't be eating the turkey, but the pasta is terrific. Hope everybody has a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year is a very, very special year that will hold a special meaning for us for the rest of our days. Thank to each of you for sharing this journey and giving us an unbelievable amount of support. May God continue to blessings to our families, friends,and Farmers family.
Bill and Kim
We are going to go on a tour of Hanoi tomorrow and the water puppet show on Friday so staying pretty busy.
We will miss Thanksgiving at home with family and friends, but will be thinking of you. We are planning to eat a Jaspas, which is Bill and I's favorite. I won't be eating the turkey, but the pasta is terrific. Hope everybody has a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year is a very, very special year that will hold a special meaning for us for the rest of our days. Thank to each of you for sharing this journey and giving us an unbelievable amount of support. May God continue to blessings to our families, friends,and Farmers family.
Bill and Kim
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Waiting for Rachel and Tommy
Waiting on Rachel and Tommy
Bill just left for the airport about an hour ago. We have Austin in his Scooby Doo PJs so hopefully when he meets Rachel and Tommy he will do his Scooby Doo thing...too cute. He also has to answer the phone every 30 minutes or so (its not ringing) with the cutest "yello". He has been doing this since about day two. We only received one or two calls, but he is quick!
We finally got moved to a two bedroom apartment with this huge walkout deck-really huge that over looks the lake - just need to make sure we keep the OFF on because of the mesquitos...and there are lizards too---YIKES! This was an answered prayer because up until 3:00 today we were trying to figure the best sleeping arrangements between two studios. I told Bill I felt like the Jeffersons..."moving on up" and to the penthouse no less. It really gave Bill and I some breathing room. So nice not to be so couped was awful for such a long period of time.
Austin seems to like it a lot. He was even siging this afternoon, which we haven't heard before. Not sure what he is signing about, but Bill is going to try to get it on tape.
Having the extra space will sure help this last week, but it is still not home. Can't wait to see the red dirt of Oklahoma...never thought you'd hear me say that! I can't wait to see my always I worry about them when I am away. I think this has finally did me in and Bill is going to have to get a motorhome before I am gone for an extended period of time again. I am getting too old for all this worry.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers for our safety and to be the best parents we can be. This little guy is pretty special!
Bill just left for the airport about an hour ago. We have Austin in his Scooby Doo PJs so hopefully when he meets Rachel and Tommy he will do his Scooby Doo thing...too cute. He also has to answer the phone every 30 minutes or so (its not ringing) with the cutest "yello". He has been doing this since about day two. We only received one or two calls, but he is quick!
We finally got moved to a two bedroom apartment with this huge walkout deck-really huge that over looks the lake - just need to make sure we keep the OFF on because of the mesquitos...and there are lizards too---YIKES! This was an answered prayer because up until 3:00 today we were trying to figure the best sleeping arrangements between two studios. I told Bill I felt like the Jeffersons..."moving on up" and to the penthouse no less. It really gave Bill and I some breathing room. So nice not to be so couped was awful for such a long period of time.
Austin seems to like it a lot. He was even siging this afternoon, which we haven't heard before. Not sure what he is signing about, but Bill is going to try to get it on tape.
Having the extra space will sure help this last week, but it is still not home. Can't wait to see the red dirt of Oklahoma...never thought you'd hear me say that! I can't wait to see my always I worry about them when I am away. I think this has finally did me in and Bill is going to have to get a motorhome before I am gone for an extended period of time again. I am getting too old for all this worry.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers for our safety and to be the best parents we can be. This little guy is pretty special!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Austin discovered a Carousel

We found a small playground that had a carousel. I thought he was going to cry at first, but he didn't indicate he wanted off. Just a new experience for him. I have to keep remembering that he has never had many of the experiences he gets to share now and everything is new to him.
This is the same for food. He definitely like pasta and rice the best...of course ice cream and Oreos too! He loves watermelon and pinapple. He chatters away and I sure wish I knew what he was saying. We are communicating extremely well given the language barrier, just curious as to what is going on his little mind sometimes.
He went swimming yesterday with his his Spiderman swim trunks (finally found a safety pin!). They had a good time together splashing around the kiddie pool.
We bought Austin a pair of sun glasses and when he isn't trying to wear them upside down, I think he thinks he is pretty cool. Bill bought him a braclet the other day and he seems to love it. I can't believe he hasn't lost it. He even sleeps with it on his arm. Some how it worked itself off his arm in the night and that was the first thing he was looking for this morning.
I bought him a comb today because God only knows where he puts my comb when he plays with it...He thought he was going to wear his hair out. Had to take it away from him so he could go to sleep at nap time...didn't go too bad thankfully. Generally, he is easy to redirect.
It is 1:00 in the afternoon and Daddy and Son are out like lights. Bill is going to meet Rachel and Tommy's plane at around 11:30 tonight. He has the taxi all arranged so it should be easy enough to get them here safely.
We are going to take two tours. One of Hay Long Bay, which I believe is a full day trip and you get to go in some rock formations in the bay and caverns, I think. They say it is beautiful. We are also going to take a Hanoi tour that takes out to all the main tourist attraction. Bill and I have seen a few already. It should be fun, but I am really, really ready to come home.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
More on Austin
Daddy and Austin are taking a nap so I thought I'd share a little news of the day. Bill sprayed Austin with cologne this morning and he was pretty proud of himself! We went into downtown this morning. Tons of traffic. I think worse than Saigon. Didn't buy a whole lot, but plan to go back tomorrow morning. Still hoping for a change of hotels. It is the same chain, just a different location...more central. This helps a ton with sightseeing since we have to work around nap time.
We came back to the hotel and Austin had spaghetti...three bowls. He is such a funny little guy. He loved the spaghetti and found his own way to eat it...very funny. Apparently, he doesn't like to be messy because he kept wiping his face after every bite or needed it...just very funny. I gave him an uncooked piece of spaghetti and demonstrated that it is okay to eat. He found it more interesting to put it in his water bottle. Somebody should have warned me that little boys will find ways to do things that girls wouldn't think of...or at least I am sure I didn't (ha!ha!)
I introduced him to hard candy which is at the front desk...guess how long it took him to figure that one out...once! Guess who can say 'candy' clearly????
We came back to the hotel and Austin had spaghetti...three bowls. He is such a funny little guy. He loved the spaghetti and found his own way to eat it...very funny. Apparently, he doesn't like to be messy because he kept wiping his face after every bite or needed it...just very funny. I gave him an uncooked piece of spaghetti and demonstrated that it is okay to eat. He found it more interesting to put it in his water bottle. Somebody should have warned me that little boys will find ways to do things that girls wouldn't think of...or at least I am sure I didn't (ha!ha!)
I introduced him to hard candy which is at the front desk...guess how long it took him to figure that one out...once! Guess who can say 'candy' clearly????
We have Austin's Passport and Visa in hand!!!
Yahoo and Yippee and all the rest!
We are finished with everything over here and are ready to bring our little guy home. We had our farewell dinner with the other families that departed yesterday and today.
Bill and I will be on our own until Rachel and Tommy arrive on the 18th. We are trying to find better accomodation, but don't have that settled quite yet. We have very nice rooms, but were looking for a room with bedrooms so we can all be together. They have them, but there are none available at the momement. Either way, it'll work out fine.
Austin took his first his skivys no less. He wanted so badly to swim with an older girl - 8 years old - what was a Mom to do? He stripped down and in he went. I had to stop him at the skivys. He loves water....a duck in another life maybe. He loved it! Bath time has never been a problem. Three rubber ducks and he was hooked for life.
He has been playing in the playroom and doing well while I was in there. His Daddy just came by and said he jumped from the top of the ladder into the ball pit. I am going to start saving for those ER bills. At least, he didn't do it in front of me. Now, I just need to find out if he was following Bill's lead (ha!ha!).
We are going to explore some shopping today. We went to the Temple of Literature yesterday and it was really neat. One of the most interesting things was the age of the grounds. The trees had roots like I've never seen before....Bill's back and ready to go.
Love you all tons! B and K and AUSTIN too...
We are finished with everything over here and are ready to bring our little guy home. We had our farewell dinner with the other families that departed yesterday and today.
Bill and I will be on our own until Rachel and Tommy arrive on the 18th. We are trying to find better accomodation, but don't have that settled quite yet. We have very nice rooms, but were looking for a room with bedrooms so we can all be together. They have them, but there are none available at the momement. Either way, it'll work out fine.
Austin took his first his skivys no less. He wanted so badly to swim with an older girl - 8 years old - what was a Mom to do? He stripped down and in he went. I had to stop him at the skivys. He loves water....a duck in another life maybe. He loved it! Bath time has never been a problem. Three rubber ducks and he was hooked for life.
He has been playing in the playroom and doing well while I was in there. His Daddy just came by and said he jumped from the top of the ladder into the ball pit. I am going to start saving for those ER bills. At least, he didn't do it in front of me. Now, I just need to find out if he was following Bill's lead (ha!ha!).
We are going to explore some shopping today. We went to the Temple of Literature yesterday and it was really neat. One of the most interesting things was the age of the grounds. The trees had roots like I've never seen before....Bill's back and ready to go.
Love you all tons! B and K and AUSTIN too...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Interview complete
Actually, it wasn't an interview per se. We signed a paper and he may have asked a question or two. You are so nervous you can't recall everything. We should have Austin's Visa today at 4:30 pm.....all done so we can come home. We are staying until the 23rd, but it is comforting to know we can come home now. One worry off of our minds!!!
We are still working on our hotel reservations and once we get the settled, we will get Inet in our room so we stay more updated.
This little guy has a ton on personality. I always say bless you after a sneeze and this morning he blessed himself after a sneeze. He has learned to make funny face and Bill and I laugh until we are in tears! He is too funny.
Did I mention he is too cute too? He will give you those eyes or that smile and you are a goner. He is dressed in a baseball overall outfit today and I must say the girls need to watch out....
Keep the prayers coming. Things have went very smooth for us on all accounts. Austin is showing he has a strong, independent will....hmmm I think that makes him fit with the rest of us....and some days that is a challenge, but I don't think I would want it any other ways (did I really say that, it is because I am watching him play with his Daddy right now and he looks like an angel!)...please delete 'cause I am sure I will eat these words before the days out.
Gotta go now...lots of love B and K
We are still working on our hotel reservations and once we get the settled, we will get Inet in our room so we stay more updated.
This little guy has a ton on personality. I always say bless you after a sneeze and this morning he blessed himself after a sneeze. He has learned to make funny face and Bill and I laugh until we are in tears! He is too funny.
Did I mention he is too cute too? He will give you those eyes or that smile and you are a goner. He is dressed in a baseball overall outfit today and I must say the girls need to watch out....
Keep the prayers coming. Things have went very smooth for us on all accounts. Austin is showing he has a strong, independent will....hmmm I think that makes him fit with the rest of us....and some days that is a challenge, but I don't think I would want it any other ways (did I really say that, it is because I am watching him play with his Daddy right now and he looks like an angel!)...please delete 'cause I am sure I will eat these words before the days out.
Gotta go now...lots of love B and K
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Finally, our final interview date
We have an appointment this afternoon to do the final interview to complete the adoption process, or at least the last leg of the process before we can come.... This is a big relief.
Austin has settled in quite nicely. The room is small, but more like home with a kitchen. He has discovered the refrigerator and has learned how to say more cheese and more milk....we can understand him anyway. He seems to pick up a few new words everyday. He still tells us he needs to potty in Vietnamese and we understand him so it works fine. I wish I knew what else he was saying. We have learned two different excited play tone and one "I need something" tone. We tell him to show us and he can usually take us to what he wants.
We can't wait to get him home and let him play in the back yard. It is difficult trying to keep a very active and inquisitive little boy in such a small space. We are using the outdoor play area, but still cautious because of the mosquitoes.
He loves bath time and plays and plays. I think if the water stayed warm, he would never come out. He doesn't seem to have much interest in TV or cartoons. We found one educational kid's program that kept his interest for about 15 minutes. I think there is so much new stuff that he keeps stimulated exploring.
We ate at a nice hotel restaurant yesterday, which was very good...little things like a good meal really make you feel grateful. A little change in perspective. We had cheesecake for dessert and his Daddy did not get his fair share because the little guy was IN LOVE with it!
He is becoming a little more discriminate in his eating. I am thinking he is not going to be a big meat eater. I am not sure how much meat he had in his diet before so he may like it more as he adjusts to it. He seems to like more noodles and bread...and cheese and ice cream. He hasn't tasted his Daddy's grilled hamburgers yet so we'll see.
We haven't been out exploring much since we been in Hanoi. We are going to move to a new hotel tomorrow I think. We will get INet service to keep in touch better and have better access to the city. Really been tied to the hotel anyways with the meetings and nap time. The nap thing in the middle of the day sure puts a kink into the plans. I never really thought about it before...heck there are a ton of things I didn't think of before. Somebody should write a PRACTACLE Dos and Don'ts for toddlers. Bill and I are constantly deferring to each think that was right/wrong...good thing is we can talk openly because he doesn't understand us. He seems very happy so I am taking that as a good sign:)
Austin has settled in quite nicely. The room is small, but more like home with a kitchen. He has discovered the refrigerator and has learned how to say more cheese and more milk....we can understand him anyway. He seems to pick up a few new words everyday. He still tells us he needs to potty in Vietnamese and we understand him so it works fine. I wish I knew what else he was saying. We have learned two different excited play tone and one "I need something" tone. We tell him to show us and he can usually take us to what he wants.
We can't wait to get him home and let him play in the back yard. It is difficult trying to keep a very active and inquisitive little boy in such a small space. We are using the outdoor play area, but still cautious because of the mosquitoes.
He loves bath time and plays and plays. I think if the water stayed warm, he would never come out. He doesn't seem to have much interest in TV or cartoons. We found one educational kid's program that kept his interest for about 15 minutes. I think there is so much new stuff that he keeps stimulated exploring.
We ate at a nice hotel restaurant yesterday, which was very good...little things like a good meal really make you feel grateful. A little change in perspective. We had cheesecake for dessert and his Daddy did not get his fair share because the little guy was IN LOVE with it!
He is becoming a little more discriminate in his eating. I am thinking he is not going to be a big meat eater. I am not sure how much meat he had in his diet before so he may like it more as he adjusts to it. He seems to like more noodles and bread...and cheese and ice cream. He hasn't tasted his Daddy's grilled hamburgers yet so we'll see.
We haven't been out exploring much since we been in Hanoi. We are going to move to a new hotel tomorrow I think. We will get INet service to keep in touch better and have better access to the city. Really been tied to the hotel anyways with the meetings and nap time. The nap thing in the middle of the day sure puts a kink into the plans. I never really thought about it before...heck there are a ton of things I didn't think of before. Somebody should write a PRACTACLE Dos and Don'ts for toddlers. Bill and I are constantly deferring to each think that was right/wrong...good thing is we can talk openly because he doesn't understand us. He seems very happy so I am taking that as a good sign:)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
We made it! Austin is a good flyer, however he did get sick. I'll let Kim go into further detail.... I think it was the authentic Pizza Hut pizza we had yesterday that created the problems. More grease than he's probably ever had. Just now getting around for our first day in Hanoi. The hotel is great with a playground, exercise room (lost 5 pounds just by looking in the window lol)and swimming pool with large deck for relaxing. Don't know that we'll go swimming, but plan to make use of the deck and playground.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
So Much Fun!
Austin is growing so much. Each day he gets a little more comfortable. Early in the week, he would only relax and smile in the room. Now he opens up in the hallways, will smile at other people and really is showing who he is. We've been telling others that he's all boy and very friendly. Yesterday was the first time that he really smiled at someone else. This morning, we were off to the zoo and he was running in the hallway with me right behind. He rounded the corner, saw a friend and had a big laugh. Now his secret personality is out.
He really liked the zoo. This was our second trip and once again we got rained on. This rain was not too bad, so we perservered. They were having an elephant show and Austin was awed!!!
The food here is very good, even for Kim. I've tried several new dishes - all involving rice. I've had rice with chicken, rice with shrimp, rice with beef, rice with vegatables, rice with egg, rice with rice... I feel like Bubba in Forrest Gump!!
Last night we ate in a trendy restaurant that had very good cheese pizza. Today, we are going to a Pizza Hut. Oh the excitement!!
Yesterday, we went to the Vietnam War Tunnels. Amazing! The history and heritage in this city is so strong with so much to learn.
Tonight we are off to Hanoi. Will be glad to get there and get settled in. This will complete another milestone in the process.
Miss you all,
B & K
He really liked the zoo. This was our second trip and once again we got rained on. This rain was not too bad, so we perservered. They were having an elephant show and Austin was awed!!!
The food here is very good, even for Kim. I've tried several new dishes - all involving rice. I've had rice with chicken, rice with shrimp, rice with beef, rice with vegatables, rice with egg, rice with rice... I feel like Bubba in Forrest Gump!!
Last night we ate in a trendy restaurant that had very good cheese pizza. Today, we are going to a Pizza Hut. Oh the excitement!!
Yesterday, we went to the Vietnam War Tunnels. Amazing! The history and heritage in this city is so strong with so much to learn.
Tonight we are off to Hanoi. Will be glad to get there and get settled in. This will complete another milestone in the process.
Miss you all,
B & K
Austin Day Day 6
I can not believe it is only Day 6. This little guy has us wrapped around his little finger already. We went to see the tunnels today. They let you wash your hands and face in an out door area. It was so funny. Bill splashed water on his face and I bet you know what happened next, yep...little Bill did the same thing. He seems to pick-up everything...we are going to have to be on our best behavior!
We gave him ice cream today, chocolate of course. He really seemed to love it, but was willing to share with his Daddy. We let him play at an indoor play the McDonald's play areas kinda...he really liked it until it was time to leave. Not too bad of a fit, but definitely let us know he wasn't ready to leave yet.
He loves bath time. I don't think he has every been in a tub of water, but he takes to it like a duck to water. He gets in and splashes all around, kicking his legs like a frog. We are going to have to find this kid a pool and I bet he'll be swimming in no time.
We are going to be eating big tonight...Pizza Hut!!!! We are so very excited and are hoping it is just like home!!!!
We leave for Hanoi tomorrow to finish the last bit of the adoption process. So far, it has went very smooth and we don't anticipate any hiccups.
We miss you all tons and can't wait for you to meet him. I am going to try to send out a Shutterfly link.....God willing I'll be able to make it work from the business center's computer.
Austin's Daddy and Momma
We gave him ice cream today, chocolate of course. He really seemed to love it, but was willing to share with his Daddy. We let him play at an indoor play the McDonald's play areas kinda...he really liked it until it was time to leave. Not too bad of a fit, but definitely let us know he wasn't ready to leave yet.
He loves bath time. I don't think he has every been in a tub of water, but he takes to it like a duck to water. He gets in and splashes all around, kicking his legs like a frog. We are going to have to find this kid a pool and I bet he'll be swimming in no time.
We are going to be eating big tonight...Pizza Hut!!!! We are so very excited and are hoping it is just like home!!!!
We leave for Hanoi tomorrow to finish the last bit of the adoption process. So far, it has went very smooth and we don't anticipate any hiccups.
We miss you all tons and can't wait for you to meet him. I am going to try to send out a Shutterfly link.....God willing I'll be able to make it work from the business center's computer.
Austin's Daddy and Momma
Friday, November 9, 2007
Austin Day 5
We can't decide if he is going to cure cancer or save the world...he is so smart. We do have more pictures, but are having some difficulty uploading. We had to buy a new camera, you know how that goes.
He has a good routine down already. We tried to match his existing schedule as much as possible. He is so funny to watch eating his first oreo or french fry with ketchup! We are going to try ice cream tomorrow. Bringing him into the family full force.
He is getting more comfortable and being a typical toddler now. Trying his boundries and what not. We have only set a few for safety. Right now his Daddy has him on his shoulders because he is trying to upload pictures to shutterfly. He is laughing and giggling at the piggy noises Bill is making and jabbering away. It is the only way to keep him off the key board!
His smile and giggle can light up a room. He is adorable and we can't hardly believe how well he is adjusting. He is sleeping, eating and all that goes with that well. He wants to be held a lot, which we don't mind at all. He picks-up on some phrases, good boy and crazy boy. He understands a lot more than he speaks. He talks to us or his toys all the time, just not sure what he is saying.
Bill now things he has the photos figured out so I am going to go for now....missing home and everybody!
He has a good routine down already. We tried to match his existing schedule as much as possible. He is so funny to watch eating his first oreo or french fry with ketchup! We are going to try ice cream tomorrow. Bringing him into the family full force.
He is getting more comfortable and being a typical toddler now. Trying his boundries and what not. We have only set a few for safety. Right now his Daddy has him on his shoulders because he is trying to upload pictures to shutterfly. He is laughing and giggling at the piggy noises Bill is making and jabbering away. It is the only way to keep him off the key board!
His smile and giggle can light up a room. He is adorable and we can't hardly believe how well he is adjusting. He is sleeping, eating and all that goes with that well. He wants to be held a lot, which we don't mind at all. He picks-up on some phrases, good boy and crazy boy. He understands a lot more than he speaks. He talks to us or his toys all the time, just not sure what he is saying.
Bill now things he has the photos figured out so I am going to go for now....missing home and everybody!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Amazement Continues
WOW! We are so blessed. Austin is adapting to his new world and us so well. Everyday he learns something new or will be talking and then mimicks what we say. Its amazing how observant he is and how quickly he learns how to do something. I just have to have someone with a good golf swing teach him. Don't want him to start with a handicapp!! haha.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments to our blog. Please continue to pray for us as we continue this journey. Love that you are following us. Its good to hear from everyone, helps us connect with home.
Austin just woke from his nap and Kim is holding him. He wakes up quietly and just wants to be held. We scheduled a time to IM Rachel in a few minutes. Our skype-ability is limited as we struggle with a good connection to download. Afterwards, we had planned to go to the zoo with the other families, but its very hot today. We might change to a morning trip on the weekend.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments to our blog. Please continue to pray for us as we continue this journey. Love that you are following us. Its good to hear from everyone, helps us connect with home.
Austin just woke from his nap and Kim is holding him. He wakes up quietly and just wants to be held. We scheduled a time to IM Rachel in a few minutes. Our skype-ability is limited as we struggle with a good connection to download. Afterwards, we had planned to go to the zoo with the other families, but its very hot today. We might change to a morning trip on the weekend.
Austin's 4th day
We are at Highland coffee again...small things from home sure make a difference. We are still in awe of the culture here. Went to a great restaurant...chic. Had PIZZA..not exactly like home, but close enough. Austin seemed to really like it. He had his first sweet yesterday. Black Forrest and cheese cake, both of which he seemed to like. For the first time at breakfast he ate a 'normal' portion. He even turned down bites, which is great. The first couple of days he ate like a horse. He still likes to drink a lot. We bought him his own water bottle and he now thinks he is the coolest!
He did his Scooby Doo thing this morning and had us in tears from laughing. He is truly a funny kid. He is so smart. He observes everything and can mimic us in almost everything. And independent! Wow. He wants to snap his own pants and pull-up the zipper. He loves putting on his own shoes...really seems to like the shoes. We brought him a bowl and spoon and he is remarkable in being able to use the spoon so well. We don't think he had this opportunity at the orphanage. He is playing wiht his Daddy and I can hear him giggling. The sweetest sound.
Did I say, he called us Mom and Daddy yesterday at the elevator door? Will write more you all!
He did his Scooby Doo thing this morning and had us in tears from laughing. He is truly a funny kid. He is so smart. He observes everything and can mimic us in almost everything. And independent! Wow. He wants to snap his own pants and pull-up the zipper. He loves putting on his own shoes...really seems to like the shoes. We brought him a bowl and spoon and he is remarkable in being able to use the spoon so well. We don't think he had this opportunity at the orphanage. He is playing wiht his Daddy and I can hear him giggling. The sweetest sound.
Did I say, he called us Mom and Daddy yesterday at the elevator door? Will write more you all!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
We continue to be amazed at Austin's resilence. He is so amazing. So far he's learned how to High 5, say All right!!! and Scoooby Doooo! We completed his medical exam yesterday and hope to get the HCMC interview completed today. Austin is learning a lot and we are too.
We are in a coffee house - Highland Coffee...great coffee. Hotel coffee leaves a lot to be desired. Not much time, but will write later.
By the way he slept all night and I think we were able to get 4 hours of solid sleep so life is good this morning.
Right now, Austin is crawling all over his Daddy's back-he definitely goes to Bill when he is nervous in public. He is able to make his wants know. All in all, we can't be more pleased at how well he is doing....he got mad at his Dad and got over it in about a minute!
Gotta go you all K and B
We are in a coffee house - Highland Coffee...great coffee. Hotel coffee leaves a lot to be desired. Not much time, but will write later.
By the way he slept all night and I think we were able to get 4 hours of solid sleep so life is good this morning.
Right now, Austin is crawling all over his Daddy's back-he definitely goes to Bill when he is nervous in public. He is able to make his wants know. All in all, we can't be more pleased at how well he is doing....he got mad at his Dad and got over it in about a minute!
Gotta go you all K and B
Monday, November 5, 2007
We got 'em!
All I can say is WOW! This is the most amazing experience. We met Austin on Sunday and went back to get him on Monday and he has been with us since. We have made it through the Giving and Receiving date, passport photos. We have a medical for him today at 1:00.
We traveled about 4 hours and saw a lot of Vietnam. It is a very diverse culture. Many things going on all at once. The traffice is 100% total craziness, even by Bill's standards. The coutry side is beautiful and very, very different. It has been an eye opening experience and not at all what I expected. The standard of living is very different, but the people seem to take care of their own and doing well.
The experience at the orphanage was very overwhelming. I will forever be grateful we got to experience where he lived and slept the first few years of his life. It was very emotionally draining to say the least. He seemed to be well cared for.
Now, to the important stuff. Our little guy is totally amazing and a true gift from God. He has adapted so easily. He is playing and seems very happy. We were able to give master the potty thing, brushing his teeth and even bath time. His sleeping went fairly well. He tossed and turned a bit, but seemed to settle in after awhile. His appetite is totally unnaturally...bottomless pit would best describe it. He is definitely not a picky eater.
He has the most infections smile and giggle. He is so smart. He has been trying to imitate some words and already understands a few phrases. He seems to be attaching to us and turning to us for safety...the streets here are very noisy and busy.
Did I say his Daddy and I are head over heels in love with this child? 24 hours and we are gonners for life. I am not sure I can describe it, but it is the most amazing thing.
We traveled about 4 hours and saw a lot of Vietnam. It is a very diverse culture. Many things going on all at once. The traffice is 100% total craziness, even by Bill's standards. The coutry side is beautiful and very, very different. It has been an eye opening experience and not at all what I expected. The standard of living is very different, but the people seem to take care of their own and doing well.
The experience at the orphanage was very overwhelming. I will forever be grateful we got to experience where he lived and slept the first few years of his life. It was very emotionally draining to say the least. He seemed to be well cared for.
Now, to the important stuff. Our little guy is totally amazing and a true gift from God. He has adapted so easily. He is playing and seems very happy. We were able to give master the potty thing, brushing his teeth and even bath time. His sleeping went fairly well. He tossed and turned a bit, but seemed to settle in after awhile. His appetite is totally unnaturally...bottomless pit would best describe it. He is definitely not a picky eater.
He has the most infections smile and giggle. He is so smart. He has been trying to imitate some words and already understands a few phrases. He seems to be attaching to us and turning to us for safety...the streets here are very noisy and busy.
Did I say his Daddy and I are head over heels in love with this child? 24 hours and we are gonners for life. I am not sure I can describe it, but it is the most amazing thing.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
It's a big day and tomorrow will be even bigger!
Wow! We survived with minimal stomache upsets. Still sleeping in short intervals, but have been doing that in weeks in the States any how. We even survived crossing the streets and once at night...that is BIG over here. Did we already say the traffic was crazy?
I got ready today thinking this was the most important "date" of my life. I want so much for our little man to see us for the first time and not be scared...I am sure it doesn't make a difference what our hair looks like or what we are wearing, but it is the only thing in my control right now..and the weather here doesn't help....way muggy...nothing like KS or OK. I am hoping to keep my emotions under control so we don't scare him to death.
It was really weird waking up this morning thinking "Today, we will meet our son" and we pray he transitions smoothly and has a happy life with us. So much feeling in our hearts with no adequate words.
God has left his finger prints all over this process and will continue as we all journey along life together. You are destined for great things because you see things with a good heart. I've always told you this since you were little. Always remember that. Austin will bind us together in a way that we all don't recognize yet. You two are my children, my daughter and son. You will probably have children of your own before Austin is grown, don't share that with your DAD!, and you'll have such a wonderful experience as a big sis to build your confidence just as you've built mine.
Gotta go now, we are meeting the other couples for breakfast. Of course, we've been up for hours and have already know your Dad...Daylight is burning even in Vietnam.
I hope you are keeping up with our journey though Cindy. I have asked Lynn and Rachel to keep you posted as well. I love you and know you are with me.
Will write after our big DATE!!!
Please keep us in your prayers, especially Austin as this must be so scary for him.
I got ready today thinking this was the most important "date" of my life. I want so much for our little man to see us for the first time and not be scared...I am sure it doesn't make a difference what our hair looks like or what we are wearing, but it is the only thing in my control right now..and the weather here doesn't help....way muggy...nothing like KS or OK. I am hoping to keep my emotions under control so we don't scare him to death.
It was really weird waking up this morning thinking "Today, we will meet our son" and we pray he transitions smoothly and has a happy life with us. So much feeling in our hearts with no adequate words.
God has left his finger prints all over this process and will continue as we all journey along life together. You are destined for great things because you see things with a good heart. I've always told you this since you were little. Always remember that. Austin will bind us together in a way that we all don't recognize yet. You two are my children, my daughter and son. You will probably have children of your own before Austin is grown, don't share that with your DAD!, and you'll have such a wonderful experience as a big sis to build your confidence just as you've built mine.
Gotta go now, we are meeting the other couples for breakfast. Of course, we've been up for hours and have already know your Dad...Daylight is burning even in Vietnam.
I hope you are keeping up with our journey though Cindy. I have asked Lynn and Rachel to keep you posted as well. I love you and know you are with me.
Will write after our big DATE!!!
Please keep us in your prayers, especially Austin as this must be so scary for him.
Friday, November 2, 2007
We Made It!
GOOD MORNING VIETNAM! We are FINALLY here!!! It was forever, from door to door 24 hours. I was sick on the plane...not good. But we figured it was easy considering the 12 months of pregancy and the 24 hour labor...KE...Bill says not fair trade..he had to go through labor too.
We are so excited about meeting our son. Not sure how we can put the feelings into words. It is overwhelming and so exciting at the same time.
We have faith that this is God's plan and we are so blessed to be a part of such a masterful plan.
Please pray that our journey continues to be smooth and pleasant.
The airport was full of so many people. It was crazy. We were so glad to see the DILLON sign and recognize Thomas - one of Dillon's employees.
The people have all been very nice and helpful.
The coutry side was beautiful. We are staying at a very nice hotel with a fabulous breakfast bar...interesting.
We drove through the city about 12:00 am and it was full of life. There were motor scooter everywhere and going in a thousand different direction. It scared us to death. Our driver even got pulled over by the police.. guess that is a common thing, but a little scary for us. No biggie. We were on our way within a few minutes. The Dillon staff here are amazing. We are with three other couples and will be doing all our travels with them so Mom, Mom and Dad, Rachel...we're safe.
Gotta go now... Love you Kim and Bill
We are so excited about meeting our son. Not sure how we can put the feelings into words. It is overwhelming and so exciting at the same time.
We have faith that this is God's plan and we are so blessed to be a part of such a masterful plan.
Please pray that our journey continues to be smooth and pleasant.
The airport was full of so many people. It was crazy. We were so glad to see the DILLON sign and recognize Thomas - one of Dillon's employees.
The people have all been very nice and helpful.
The coutry side was beautiful. We are staying at a very nice hotel with a fabulous breakfast bar...interesting.
We drove through the city about 12:00 am and it was full of life. There were motor scooter everywhere and going in a thousand different direction. It scared us to death. Our driver even got pulled over by the police.. guess that is a common thing, but a little scary for us. No biggie. We were on our way within a few minutes. The Dillon staff here are amazing. We are with three other couples and will be doing all our travels with them so Mom, Mom and Dad, Rachel...we're safe.
Gotta go now... Love you Kim and Bill
Sunday, October 21, 2007
It has been a long, long journey to finally have our passports, visa and G & R date! We found out October 10th that we were leaving to bring our son Austin home. I was in Kansas City when Bill called to give me the news...of course, I cried in front of everybody at work. I am not sure how to describe all the emotions, overwhelmed and overjoyed at the same time...kinda crazy!
I went back through all the e-mails from the start, it brought back many emotions... I am so happy he is finally coming home. I've loved him from the first moment I saw him; somthing in his eyes grabbed hold of my heart..and Bill's too.
I have been working on his room for some time now and I hope he likes it. Been busy getting ready for our big trip. A little nervous about the plane ride...I hope it is smooth.
I went back through all the e-mails from the start, it brought back many emotions... I am so happy he is finally coming home. I've loved him from the first moment I saw him; somthing in his eyes grabbed hold of my heart..and Bill's too.
I have been working on his room for some time now and I hope he likes it. Been busy getting ready for our big trip. A little nervous about the plane ride...I hope it is smooth.
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