Saturday, November 10, 2007

Austin Day Day 6

I can not believe it is only Day 6. This little guy has us wrapped around his little finger already. We went to see the tunnels today. They let you wash your hands and face in an out door area. It was so funny. Bill splashed water on his face and I bet you know what happened next, yep...little Bill did the same thing. He seems to pick-up everything...we are going to have to be on our best behavior!

We gave him ice cream today, chocolate of course. He really seemed to love it, but was willing to share with his Daddy. We let him play at an indoor play the McDonald's play areas kinda...he really liked it until it was time to leave. Not too bad of a fit, but definitely let us know he wasn't ready to leave yet.

He loves bath time. I don't think he has every been in a tub of water, but he takes to it like a duck to water. He gets in and splashes all around, kicking his legs like a frog. We are going to have to find this kid a pool and I bet he'll be swimming in no time.

We are going to be eating big tonight...Pizza Hut!!!! We are so very excited and are hoping it is just like home!!!!

We leave for Hanoi tomorrow to finish the last bit of the adoption process. So far, it has went very smooth and we don't anticipate any hiccups.

We miss you all tons and can't wait for you to meet him. I am going to try to send out a Shutterfly link.....God willing I'll be able to make it work from the business center's computer.

Austin's Daddy and Momma


Nana Lynn said...

Good Morning from home! It seems like you have been gone FOREVER!! I am so thrilled that you all are bonding so well & absorbing every second! Sounds like we were right Kim, Austin is having no trouble adjusting to food! He sounds like a typical little boy! Only when he is YOURS, he is exceptional right? :) I understand completely! Miss you all so much. I miss you when you are in OK but this is ridiculous! I am thrilled that you are going to try the shutterfly thing! Gotta go, my munchkin just got up! Hug & squeeze Austin from his Nana Lynn! (That will be tough I know!) Hug each other for me! Love you all! Love, Nana Lynn

Nana Lynn said...

It's me again! I saw the pictures & I LOVE THEM! It took me 3 or 4 times because my computer kept kicking me out but got it done. Marcus looked at them with me & he said to tell you that he loved them too! I din't even notice your hair Kimberly! I was amazed at the scenery & was focused on the happiness & contentment on all of your faces! I think I might have to look to Daddy too with the traffic & all in public. Kim, you look so different & I don't me physicallly. You are absolutely glowing. Motherhood does that to you! Talk to you all soon. Love, Nana Lynn

Rachel said...

Hey wat pictures are we talkin about???!!!! I wanna see! did you get shutterfly up and running yet?
Im so glad everything is goin well.
Maybe when we get home ya'll can look for a pool.
I cant wait to see him!

Aunt Ginny said...

Loved the pictures. Can't wait until I can see and hold the real Austin. I will be more than glad to receive pictures for now.

Uncle Bill says that Austin looks like him with hair.

Uncle Bob called yesterday to see how things were going. I e-mailed him your blog and suggested shutterfly.

Austin definitely has you wrapped around his finger. I can't wait to see how many words you have to eat. Just be careful that you don't choke on them. (Ha!Ha!).

Love you all,
Hugs and kisses
Aunt Ginny and Uncle Bill

Helen said...

Hi kids. I have been trying to send Jenny everything that I have found. Don't know if I'm getting it all or not. Maybe Ben or Rachel can find the time to fill her in until she gets plugged in. This is really hard on an OLDooo woman not too fimiliar with this kind of stuff. Love you all and can't wait till you get home..Mom, Dad & Granny Helen